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Nightingale Academy

Minster Church of England Primary School

Nurturing Foundations, Flourishing With God


Year 5

2024 -2025

This morning, Turquoise class began building their drop rides as part of their DT day. The initial constructions were very impressive and the children demonstrated some excellent independence and resiliece, especially whan problem solving issues with their design. It was an impressive start and the finished products are going to look amazing!

Today, Turquoise class answered the question, How can I demonstrate my knowledge of water resistance? The children applied their knowledge of water resistance and streamlined shapes to design and then construct a boat for a water ride in a theme park. They sent the boat down the track and into the water beneath. Afterwards, the children evaluated their design and considered its effectiveness and what changes they would make in future.

This afternoon, Turquoise class visited Blue class for some buddy reading time. This was their first time getting together and they loved it! It was so nice to hear Blue Class children reading and to see Turquoise class children helping them too. Thanks for having us Blue class and please visit us soon.

WOW! What a day at Dreamland the children had. They had the park all to themselves and had a private tour, a chance to go on the stage and be pop stars, learn all about the fascinating history of Dreamland, have a lesson on forces, take part in a build your own Scenic Railway challenge and roller skate at the roller disco.


We also got to see Rag and Bone Man filming his latest music video! He even gave us a wave.


A fabulous day was had by all. Well done Year 5 - now you just have to get ready to write about it all.

Turquoise class were investigating the difference between mass and weight in Science today. In order to do this, they used Newton metres and scales and analysed the results to find the link between mass in grams and the newton meter measurement. Their team work and engagement was fantastic!

Meet Turquoise class! On their first day of Year 5, all of the class were fantastic. They wrote about their summer break, made aspiration boxes and began to answer this big question for the week: Can I create a life changing idea? It was a great day - well done Turquoise class!

2023 - 2024

Purple Class enjoyed their art lesson today. They used our Rainforest topic as inspiration- look at their wonderful print designs.

Purple Class enjoyed some mindfulness time this afternoon.

They took to the playground to create some art related to our topic- Rainforest Calling!

Tomorrow they will be completing their Gold Book write, a letter from the animals persuading the humans to stop deforestation and save their homes!

Purple Clas enjoyed their Maths code-breaking lesson today- using their skills of multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 to reveal messages!

Greetings from the IOW ferry!!

You could hear a pin drop in Purple Class (year 5) this morning. The children concentrated on publishing their play scripts in their Gold Books. These were written, acted out and edited during the writing process last week. Great writing!


Year 5 have enjoyed creating posters, letters and stories with a strong message about how plastic is affecting our oceans.

Did you know that experts predict that by 2050, there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish? We found that shocking!

We explored the book 'One Plastic Bag' which is the true story of Isatou Ceesay- a woman who found a way to recycle plastic bags which were accumulating in community. This inspirational true story shows how one person's actions and perseverance really can make a difference in our world.

Year 5 enjoyed investigating sneezes this week asking the question, 'How far does a sneeze travel?' After reassuring them that they wouldn't have to sneeze on each other we went outside for our learning and experimentation.

As part of this term's topic, The Black Death, Year 5 have been creating their own Danse Macabre pieces of Artwork using Indian Ink.

Year 5 have had a gruesome start to their new Topic -The Great Plague- using doughnuts as pretend buboes! Pop!

Year 1 and year 5 really enjoyed sharing their work about the topic of Space today. The conversations were great with lots of awesome scientific vocabulary being used and there is no doubt that all the children learnt something from each other

Year 5 have enjoyed creating their Space Art with oil pastels this term in the style of Peter Thorpe!

Year 5 really enjoyed creating their Tutankamun pictures for their Fact Files. 

They followed instructions well and are very proud of their creations!

Year 5 have been creating some impressive Ancient Egyptian Art this term!

They have been exploring pattern and colour alongside hieroglyphs that are over 3,000 years old!

Purple Class performed so well in their Bugsy Malone performance to parents yesterday!

 Well done year 5- you made us all proud!

DT Day!

Year 5's Term 1 topic is 'Scream Machine!' and all things rollercoasters!

Today we created our own Drop Rides using a pulley system!

Year 5 have had fun with practical learning. They have conducted an experiment on water resistance by racing their own boats. After that, they have created their ROAR project prototypes - ideas that will make the world a better place.

Purple Class have started their prototypes for the ROAR Competition.

Their mission is to work in teams to create a new product or service which will positively change the world! 

Watch this space!

Year 5 enjoyed football in PE today- especially Football 'Stuck in the Mud!'

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Monkton Church of England Primary School