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Nightingale Academy

Minster Church of England Primary School

Nurturing Foundations, Flourishing With God


Year 4

2024 - 2025

In our first week of Year 4, the children investigated the question 'What does it take to be a good Roman soldier?'. Today, they finally began creating their own Roman shields. This is a tricky task and there is still of designing and painting to do before we get to test them out. We are looking forward to showing you the finished shields next week!

This term, Year 4 are learning how to 'investigate'! The children loved observing what happens when warm water is added to a plate of skittles. The used their observation skills, drew detailed diagrams and wrote a scientific conclusion that explained the process of diffusion.

 2023 - 2024

Year 4 have been learning how to sculpt and mould clay. We have been working in miniature to create a plate of food and dishes of our choice. Someone even made a birthday cake for one of the birthdays being celebrated in Copper Class today. We were all super impressed by the level of detail for the sausage rolls, cups, plates, slices and drinks being so carefully created today.

Year 4 have had the opportunity to attend Minster Bowls this week. They loved their time there.

Year 4 took their reading lesson outside into the sunshine this morning. They wanted to carry on even though it was playtime!

Art and Science joined up at Minster School this term and all the children in the school did a piece of art work with Science as the inspiration. We held a gallery tour for all the children to walk around the school hall and see each other's work. There were lots of comments from the children, saying how great it was to see what all the other children did in the rest of the school. Without a gallery like this, they wouldn't have known about the lovely work that classes got up to!

Year 4 were lucky enough to have some warm spring sunshine today to practise our Tennis skills. We tried forehands and backhands using the racket  correctly. We also tried to do a 'rally' as well as learning how  to 'outwit' our partner for scoring a target.

Year 4 have enjoyed their library session this morning. We were hunting for 'fronted adverbials' as well as just enjoying our books in a cosy, relaxed space.

After learning so much about plastic in our oceans for Earth Day today, Year 4 used a story book to respond creatively in their art work. We used the 'Painting with Scissors ' technique again, but this time our skills were amazing and we thought more about positive and negative shapes, colour and pattern. We tried to show the dangers our sea creatures are experiencing from plastic waste.

Year 4 enjoyed their first lesson of 'Inclusion Sports' for this term. They  learnt all about Goalball, which is a sport created for the visually impaired. The Goalball has a bell inside so it can be heard rather than seen. Year 4 played interhouse games and it was lots of fun.

Year 4 used a Conscience Corridor to explore our RE question, 'Why do you think the events of the Last Supper happened as they did?'

We debated why Judas shouldn't have/should have betrayed Jesus. We had some fantastic, thoughtful and deep thinking answers, which helped us explain the question.

We combined our Numbers Day in Year 4 with Art and Design this afternoon. We looked at a piece of work by the artist Jasper Johns, called '0 through 9'. We explored his work to create our own piece using the same digits and thinking about line, shape, colour and patterns.

Year 4 have loved investigating how to 'Paint with Scissors'. They studied artists such as Henri Matisse and Romare Bearden, who used this cutting out technique for their own compositions. We used a painting by Pinturicchio to inspire our own creations. It was such lovely learning for us all.

Copper Class have been enjoying investigating  the bridge balance in their gymnastics. They have worked hard to show gymnastic excellence, using different levels and different connection points with partner. They are focusing on pointing toes and extending movements for poise and body control.

Contour Lines

Year 4 have been learning all about mountains as part of our topic work this term. We have been looking at maps to see how higher areas of ground are shown using contour lines. We compared an area in the Lake District to Canterbury and East Kent and noticed how different the contour lines were! We looked at atlases and noticed the difference in height between Scotland's mountains and the Himalayas. It was a big difference!

Year 4 have been taking their learning outside for beginning their Maths work on understanding area. We created rectilinear shapes and found area using objects around our Forest School site. We then investigated rectilinear shapes using Post It note squares  to describe area.

Year 4 had a fantastic trip to Richborough Roman Fort last week. They learnt so much about all that the Romans did when they arrived in Britain.  We stood at the beginning of Watling Street, looked at many of the artefacts found on the site, answered quiz questions in the museum and completed challenges all around the ruins of the fort. We even managed to withstand the wind and everybody learnt something to take back to our Roman Topic this term. 

Year 4 have produced some wonderful art work for Harvest. They worked really hard using a range of media, such as graded pencils, black and white pastels, charcoal, erasers to smudge and define, muted tone colouring pencils and watercolour. Decisions had to be made for placing images on the paper and how to make a composition looking at Autumn vegetables.

Yesterday, Year 4 were set a challenge - to choose a song and an artist to share.


This afternoon, we used those songs to inspire our art!

Year 4 had a great experience at Talking Football today. A chance to understand emotions and what triggers certain feelings.

Year 4 were investigators today using the map of the school to find clues.

The children have launched themselves into our project for this term called Playlist. Today the children made musical instruments following a well thought out design process including the skills that they have learnt in other subjects including maths and science! They'll perform along to a song tomorrow - we haven't decided what that will be yet!

Sports Practise is in full swing in Year 4!

Year 4 enjoyed painting their Diva Lamps - very delicate!

Year 4 made Diva Lamps using clay and are looking forward to painting them on Thursday - Light over darkness!

Copper Class would like to welcome Lakshmi to our classroom, the Goddess of wealth and good fortune. They are enjoying learning about Hinduism.

Copper Class enjoyed getting creative, thinking about 'Healthy Minds!'

Year 4 had a wonderful time in the Story Tent today. We enjoyed the story of The Kindest Red and shared what we think kindness is, what kindness says, what kindness does and what kindness does not. The children have been tasked with secret kindness missions to go on this week. Let's see if they choose to show you at home some kindness!



Spelling in action in Year 4!

Year 4 have loved Art this term. We have used Paste Resist to create patterns and then added stitching and sequins to them!

Year 4 have had a fantastic Viking Day at Kent Life. Here are Indigo Class and Copper Class enjoying our coach ride, making brooches, acting out our own Viking voyage on a long ship, learning all about weapons and formations, playing a great game of Tafl and visiting the lovely animals on site. We also met some Vikings around the site who told us about trading and what daily life was like at the time. There was so much to do - even in the rain! Well done Year 4 for a fantastic day.


Indigo Class have been loving Science! Exploring circuits, conductors and insulators over the past two lessons has been fantastic and we have thoroughly enjoyed our learning.

Year 4 enjoyed working delicately like the Anglo Saxons during their Art lesson. Here are our first attempts at Paste Resist.

Last week, we designed our Saxon and Viking sails. Today, we printed them.

Year 4 always enjoy reading with their buddies.

Maths in action in Copper Class!

Copper Class enjoyed their marble jar treat that they choose. Look at them balance!

 Year 4 had several light bulb moments yesterday!

Copper Class loved their indoor gymnastics lesson on Thursday. Look at their different balances!

Numbers Day - Who wants to be a Mathionaire?

Year 4 had a great day!

In Year 4, the children are becoming confident with their knowledge and recall of the digestive system so today, we set them a challenge. They created abstract art and a wearable digestive system in teams!

Copper Class thoroughly enjoy their regular library time. It is reflecting in their weekly reading too! Keep it up!

Year 4 enjoyed investigating the digestive systems today and then creating their own! 

Year 4 had a great time exploring the inside of their mouths and setting up an experiment with a range of liquids to observe there effects! A great opportunity for some photos!

Feeling festive- Merry Christmas from Indigo Class!

Year 4 enjoyed writing their Kennings poems about The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit in today's RE lesson.

Year 4 had a fantastic time on our Clip n Climb trip this morning!

The children enjoyed all the different climbing walls and challenges, the drop slide, archery, the reflex wall, games on the interactive climbing wall and a range of team-building activities. If only we could start every Tuesday this way!

Term 2

Year 4 were 'hooked' into their Misty Mountain Sierra topic today when they created group rivers. They were challenged to include meanders and waterfalls!

Our Ukulele skills are improving in Year 4! We will be progressing them further in Term 2.

Roman Day- What a day!  From making their Roman Shields to a Roman Banquet, year 4 have had a great time!

Copper Class are enjoying their opportunities at Forest School this term.

Year 4 are enjoying their weekly ukulele lessons.

Here are some keen entertainers showing us their skills!

Year 4 enjoyed taking pictures of each other to use to practise our portrait sketching.

In readiness for our visit to the Church this afternoon, Year 4 explored the News Articles written about the Queen.

Year 4 have had an enjoyable start to the year, realising how we all need to work together to achieve great things! Oh... Alongside experimenting Roman bottom wiping!

2021 -2022

Year 4 had a lovely afternoon remembering that 'No way through isn't true!'

Year 4 enjoyed a year group rounders match yesterday morning.

Year 4 enjoyed their healthy snack today!

Year 4 and Year 1 loved performing their poems to each other on the Grandstand today! They were read with such confidence. Well done to all of the children, we as teachers are very proud of them!

It's exciting times! Sports Day is nearly upon us! Year 4 practised their running races today.

Year 4 have been looking at art by Idris Khan and Corey Barksdale. Using music as an inspiration, they combined both of the ideas from the artists to create their own designs. All of the children are proud of what they have achieved!

Copper Class have had a fantastic day from quizzes and composing their own music to learning to play the Cello! We have certainly got lots of musical talent at our school!

Year 4 have enjoyed their recent DT project!

Copper Class completed their Hinduism topic by making and designing Diva Lamps, using light to symbolise worship and dispel darkness.

Copper Class spotting angles in our outside environment. Are they acute, a right angle or obtuse? I wonder if they spotted any at home...

We had a lovely afternoon yesterday getting the planters ready in the forest school area. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and the team work skills on show were excellent! We hope to see elderflowers growing in Term 6.

We had a great time at Kent Life and the trip summarised our learning perfectly! Just look at the smiles on the children's faces! Some of the children might even share the 9 Men's Morris game with you that we were introduced to.

Term 4 in Year 4


We have had a busy term! Traders and Raiders.


- Long boat making.

- Discovering the shore forts near us. 

- Buddy reading with Year 1.

- World Book day costumes.

- An art topic, finalising with Paste resist and stitching.

- A trip to Kent Life.

- A fact file about Alfred the Great.


The list could go on! We can't wait for another action-packed term, next term.

Year 4 have been enjoying the opportunity to play Ukulele since the start of the year. Last week, they tried to play different chords while reading the music from their whiteboards. They played a range of different musical notes too - bugs (quavers), spiders (double quaver), flies (minin) and even remembered a rest


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

To finish our diversity and equality learning last week, Year 4 attempted to play sitting volleyball. They could not believe how challenging this was.


Copper Class - Remembrance Day 2021

What a memorable day in Year 4 - Roman Feast Day! A lovely way to bring our first topic to a close.

Today, Year 4 investigated how Romans may have dyed their clothing all those years ago! We used boiled spinach, onions and tumeric, red cabbage and blackberries to make the dye. The smell wafted through the whole school but the children had an amaxing time.

Copper had another enjoyable week at Forest School last week, building dens and getting really hands on!

Year 4 have started 'Gladiator School' this week. We have discovered the lifestyle of a gladiator and researched famous gladiators! Watching gladiator battles has bought this topic to life and we will soon be writing setting descriptions to showcase our writing skills. Who is going to be the most resilient gladiator?

Year 4 started the term learning how to write a soliloquy. We used powerful verbs, fronted adverbials and recorded our ideas in first person. Some of the children presented their work too. We are so impressed with how they have started the year!

Copper Class are loving the opportunity to take part in Forest School activities each week. They are always full of stories the next day!

Year 3 loved creating their Roman shields last week. We designed, decorated and evaluated them. Then, it was time for battle, creating a Roman tortoise formation as a class!

Today in Year 4, we have been investigating whether Romans used toilet roll! We made a prediction and then observed during several experiments of softness, durability, absorbency and 'ability to wipe.' The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves but we were sure to remind them not to use any of these Roman bottom-cleaning methods at home!

Term 1 Week 1


Year 4 have had an excellent start to the term. We have thought and talked about how we each flourish as a Minster child - as a person. Next week we will focus on each of us flourishing as learners.

We thought about how to lift our mood through exercise and as our social action challenge we devised exercise routines to cheer others up. We found out that exercise is good for our minds as well as our bodies. Ask us to show you some of the moves that we put into our routines - they should make you smile as well as feeling a little puffed out!

2020 - 2021

Term 5

Misty Mountains Sierra

It has been a wonderful start to term 5. Already the children are engaged and enthusiastic about our new topic 'Misty Mountains Sierra'. This is going to be a Geography based topic, and the children are excited to find out more about what we are going to be doing this term. 


The children have been enjoying the term filled with science experiments, Rounders games, Gold book writes, smashing their way through their timestable belts and lots more!

Term 3 & 4

I am Warrior and Traders and Raiders 

Throughout lockdown the children have been covering History based topics. They thoroughly enjoyed these, even whilst working from home. The children were able to still doing exciting tasks and loved sharing what they had done with us smiley. The Year 4 children showed us how resilient they really are! We are super proud of them. 


Coming back into school for Term 4, the children were eager to get back into routine and start enjoying school life again. We have had a jam packed end to our term with lots of Science, D&T, Geography and lots more.  

Term 2


We have started off Term 2 with our topic 'Playlist'. To get the children engaged we planned at afternoon at a concert for them. The children were given admission tickets and had to go through security and the ticket man to be allowed into the arena. Once in they were able to watch all different genres of music, which they thoroughly enjoyed!
Year 4 children have been looking at poetry for the first couple of weeks and building skills to be able to write and perform their own poem. We have looked at the poem 'Sound Collector' by Roger McGough. The children were able to write their own sound collector poem about sounds that you would hear in school. Year 4 loved doing this, they were so engaged in their writing and their performances were fantastic. 

Term 1 

Burps, Bottoms and Bile

All things POO smiley. The children have been classifying different poos. They have been using keys to match them with the correct animals. They got the opportunity to join in with the science experiment of making different animals poos, which of course they absolutely loved and had lots of yucky fun!

The children are also finishing off the term with another Gold write. They enjoy this calm time to show off all of the skills they have been learning in their literacy lessons. This Gold write is a diary entry based on Demon Dentist. We can't wait to read them!

Year 4 have been engaging with all their learning. The unit we have been focusing on in Maths is Place Value. In English there has been lots of opportunities for children to share their work with the rest of the class. It's fantastic to see the confidence these children have, and the respect they show their peers. We have had them outside doing Football this term. They have loved getting back into their P.E lessons again.
The children have been learning all about the digestion process, the organs and their functions. The children were able to make a working digestive system and see how the food moves through our body. It was gross, and they loved it!!
Children enjoying some mindfulness.

Year 4 are loving this terms topic. They have been producing some fantastic work across the subjects. The children have been enjoying some exciting Science experiments, immersing themselves in our book 'Demon Dentist',creating some lovely Harvest acrostic poems and learning all about French speaking countries, so far.

2019 - 2020

Home Learning

Miss White and Mrs Manning are missing the Year 4 faces. We are super proud of all of the home learning that they are doing. 

Term 4

Traders and Raiders

Finding their rhythm on Wednesday afternoons...
This week the children have been looking at Pablo Picasso. They have been studying his history and looking at his artwork. They have been studying his 'blue period' closely and looking at his portraits whilst thinking about the emotions involved in the paintings.
Once again our Year 4s smashing through their belt tests

Book Week

World Book Day
Fantastic effort by Year 4 today. Brilliant costumes!
The children have also been spending time with their buddy classes. It was lovely to see them share their reading with someone in another class and year group.
This week the children have been studying the poem 'No breathing' by Michael Rosen. We have been looking at the language used by Michael Rosen, we have been looking at the way he performs his poems and  also adapting his poem to make it our own to help us at the end of the week when we come to write our own class poem. The children have been doing some drama with the poem to really get themselves into character and help with their performance skills. They have really taken this seriously and enjoyed themselves so far this week.
Year 4 started off their Traders and Raiders topic with a Saxon Battle re-enactment. Lots of angry Saxons kitted out with swords and shields. The children were engaged and loved finding out about the history behind it. This term the children will be diving into the history of Traders and Raiders, which they are super excited about.

Term 3


Burps, Bottoms and Bile


Lots of science this term. Another experiment lead by the children...'do beans really make you windy?'
More amazing maths for year 4. We were extremely impressed with our children for taking part in a times tables competition and coming in 1st and 2nd place. So well done to you amazing four. Also to our children who are practicing their times tables and quickly ticking off their belts.
This term we have started fractions. Fractions is something we all find tricky so what a better way to start learning them than getting the children all outside for a fractions scavenger hunt. They all did amazing and as bonus enjoyed themselves.

Week Beginning 20/01/2020


Year 4s STEM day was all about the digestive system. Throughout the day, full of practical activities, the children were able to explore and understand the function of the digestive system. To start the day off, the children were lucky enough to have Pfizer scientists come in to school to show them some exciting experiments. We then came back to the class room to carry out our own experiments. We are learning about the organs involved in the digestive system, looking at how sick was made and digested through the body, then finally in the afternoon then children made wearable digestive systems. For this the children used/learned different skills. Sewing, drawing, cutting, gluing and lots more. The children had a lovely day and we were really impressed with their knowledge by the end.

Week Beginning 06/01/2020

Happy New Yearsmiley

The children are back and excited to learn. This terms topic is Burps,Bottoms and Bile, something i'm sure they're all going to enjoy. To start the topic off we have been reading 'Demon Dentist' by David Walliams, which straight away has been a hit with the children.

The first couple of weeks this term in Literacy we will be looking at information texts. The children have been busy this week looking at fact files. The children will be writing their own fact file on 'Teeth'. So far the children have been looking at features of a fact file and have been learning some new technical vocab. We can't wait to read their final fact files.

First week back in science we have started off with an investigation into the effects different drinks can have on your teeth. The children had 5 boiled eggs and sunk them into 5 different drinks. Over the next week the children are to observe the effects the drinks have on the egg shell. We are thinking about the enamel on our teeth and how the egg shell is similar.

A week after the eggs had been submerged in the different liquids

Year 4 spelling lessons bursting with fun. Finding new ways to keep children engaged. Looking at our sound of the week 'ture'. The children were playing charades, working in teams to guess the correct 'ture' word.

Term 2


Week Beginning 09/12/19 


Its coming towards the end of term now and that only means one thing for the children...CHRISTMAS! This week all the children have enjoyed learning all about Christmas in France and their traditions they have. The children have been busy baking traditional apricot galettes, making Joyeux Noel Christmas cards and learning all about Christmas day for a French family.

The children also took part in Christmas Jumper day.

Week Beginning 02/12/19

This week in reading we have been looking at the poem 'Please Mrs Butler'. The children have been able to make predictions, inferring how the characters could be feeling, act out the poem, and answering retrieval questions. They have especially enjoyed this poem as they feel they can relate to it.
In Literacy this week we have been looking at similes, metaphors and personification through song lyrics. Today the children looked at three different songs from different genres. They studied the lyrics to see the meaning behind them. We looked at the different metaphors, similes and personification used and as to why they used them. Our children then went on to write their own set of lyrics for the next verse in the song.

Week Beginning 25/11/19


In our reading lesson the children were reading the poem 'Chocolate Cake' by Michael Rosen. A firm favourite from them so far.. I wonder why?. Once we had finished discussing what we liked about the poem and if we could relate to the poem. The children were working on freeze frames with their partner to make a still picture. The children were to pick their favourite part of the poem and create a still picture. See if you can guess what they could be?

Moving forward from last week. Children have been listening to Queen 'Don't stop me now'. They have been thinking of a story line that fits with the song. We have had ideas from firemen putting out fires, to superheros shooting into space, to a high speed police chase. Year 4 have some great imaginations. Today we have been planning for our Gold Book write using all our ideas for when the children will be writing a short story.
Science has been fun...using elastic bands and plastic straws, the children have been trying to make different sounds and listening for different pitches. The children discovered different things whilst experimenting with these materials. We had a lot of high pitched whistles in class today, the children didn't want to put them down...
This week in their drama lesson, the children have been getting ready for their final piece to be performed in a couple of weeks time. They will be performing a song from 'Charlie and The Chocolate Factory'. 
To end the week, year 4 'danced through the decades'. The outfits were amazing and the children loved dancing around to songs from the 50s up until present day!

Week Beginning 18/11/19


Year 4 have been getting their read on. Fridays are for chilled reading for pleasure...

The artist that we have been studying this term is 'Paul Klee'. Today the children were working with different materials. They have been experimenting with oil pastels and water colours. The children were making prints/patterns with the oil pastels and then washing over the top of them with the water colour. We have been building up skills throughout studying 'Klee' to build up to our final piece. The children loved working with the oil pastels and were so excited to see what happened when you washed over the top of them. Here are a few examples...
We have had some interesting discussions in class about where we have traveled in Europe. We were all very surprised to see how many different places we have visited. Following our topic of 'Playlist' we listened,danced and spoke about music from different places in Europe. The children laughed a lot and enjoyed looking at the differences between the songs. They then went on to write about those pieces and produced some lovely and informative work.
The children have been carrying on with their drama lessons and having a lot of fun. This week they were performing in groups a scene of their choice to the rest of the class.

Week Beginning 11/11/19


Anti-bullying week. 

On Tuesday we had our 'Odd Socks Day'. Both classes were full of colourful, odd socks. The children have been making Jigsaw pieces with kind and thoughtful words and pictures on to represent 'Change Starts with us'. Each jigsaw is a small piece that creates a big picture. The children really enjoyed making these and we have had some really intelligent, meaningful discussions about bullying and how each individual can’t help make the change. 

The children are getting stuck into their Drama lessons. They have been focusing on projecting their voices and clear body movements. They are really enjoying have this as part of the curriculum. Look out for more pictures of them to come :)

Today, across year 4 we were attempting to beat box. The children absolutely loved it. Miss White failed miserably at it, however the children on the other hand were very impressive. They all had a go, and the confidence shown by some children to stand in front of the class and perform was amazing. So well done year 4 on a very entertaining/interesting afternoon laugh.

Year 4 Beatboxers

Still image for this video

In Literacy this week we have been listening to famous soundtracks such as 'Chariots of Fire','Ride of the Valkyries','Star Wars' and others. The children all chose to look at 'Harry Potter' in more detail. In the last few days the children have been working on collecting ambitious vocabulary. Today we used our bank of vocabulary to help us write a descriptive paragraph about the Harry Potter sound track. All of the children produced some great pieces of writing with some lovely, powerful sentences.


'The tempo of the music is rapid and builds up in intensity.'


'At the start, the music takes a gentle crescendo until more instruments are played.'


'This piece of music begins with a very low-pitched, repetitive, tense tune.'

Week beginning 4/11/2019


We have now been back at school for two weeks and Year 4 have thoroughly been enjoying their learning. In English we have started off the term looking at 'Poems to Perform' by Julia Donaldson. They have been able to look in depth at different poems. The children particularly enjoyed performing and creating their own poems. In Maths we have been working with perimeters and looking units of measurement. The children have enjoyed working collaboratively and practically. 

Year 4 have been studying the artist Paul Klee in the last couple of weeks. We have been looking at the techniques Paul Klee uses and the history behind the artist. ' A line is just a dot that has gone for a walk..'. The children have enjoyed interpreting his work into their own and creating some really fantastic pieces of art.

Our topic this term is 'Playlist'. The children are very excited for this topic as we are going to be doing some exciting activities, we will also be having a dress up day from your favourite music decade, so keep your eyes peeled for our Elvis's and Britney Spears .

So far in Science we have looked at sounds, the children have experimented with making vibrations and using different objects to make sounds. Next week the children will be trying to 'beatbox', which we are very excited to hear how they do...

The children are still enjoying having the Ukulele taught to them. We have some real natural musicians in this year group. Lots of noise and lots of fun in these lessons. 

This week we used our British Value of Democracy in our School Council Elections. The children who wrote and presented their manifestos were brilliant! These children had clearly spent time thinking about what they wanted to say and it was said with meaning. The children did not find it easy voting, so well done to those children who presented their manifestos in class. Also well done to those children who listened and were supportive and complimentary to those candidates.  

Term 1



In term 1 we are learning all about Potions. To start our topic we created our own potions and watched as they fizzed, bubbled and sparkled! Below are some of the highlights of the term so far and information about what we are learning.



In Science we have been investigating ‘changing state’. As part of this topic the children have looked at how the particles in solids, liquids and gases are arranged. They have observed the properties of bubbles – this was lots of fun! As a joint science and DT activity they have selected the materials needed to create their own bath bombs and then made them in small groups.


Our text this term is George’s Marvellous Medicine. The children have been really enjoying seeing the crazy ingredients that George chooses to get his own back on Grandma. They have written their own set of potion making instructions, taking inspiration from George and are now learning the skills to write a newspaper report about what happens to Grandma after she takes the medicine.


The children have spent the first part of this term consolidating and extending their knowledge of place value. We have played games to create the biggest number, practised how to count to jumps in 25, 50 and 100 and learnt how to round numbers up to 10, 100 and 1000. The children are also spending more time developing their reasoning and problem solving skills. Most importantly J we are spending lots of time making sure the children learn their times tables!


We started the term with our introduction to the new Christian Foundations. This was a lovely way for us to get to know our classes. As we explored the Foundations, the children got the opportunity to use their creative skills and we did lots of team building activities.


During this term we have spent time exploring the different ways in which colour can be used and blended. Children have learnt how to use different sketching techniques and these skills have been used to sketch potion bottles and then reproduce these using water colour paints. The children have also used acrylic paints to show warm and cold colours and the way these work together.

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The Federation of Minster and Monkton Church of England Primary Schools

Monkton Church of England Primary School