A paper copy of any information on our school website will be provided free of charge upon request.
Minster Primary School is a Church of England Primary School and our Christian Foundations are at the heart of everything we do:
• Creation
• Love
• Forgiveness
• Justice
• Peace
Our whole school ethos for learning and personal development ensures we have a forward thinking, diverse and innovative culture in which our entire school community flourishes. We are passionate about every individual flourishing so that all our children can develop as well rounded individuals, living life in all its fullness.
Our Vision Statement
Nurturing Foundations, Flourishing with God
Rooted in our Christian Foundations, we nurture, respect and value each individual, in the loving community of our village school.
Through our holistic development of both character and curriculum, our children learn and flourish.
From little seeds we grow: caring for God’s world, building lifelong foundations and striving for a just and harmonious society.
A selection of our policies are available for you below. We have chosen these because they contain the information that most Parents ask for. Other policies are available if needed and can be requested through the school office.
We are a Christian Primary School. At the heart of our school are our five Christian Foundations; Creation, Justice, Love, Peace and Forgiveness. Our whole school ethos for learning and behaviour is guided by them. Each aspect of school life is encountered through these values to establish a forward thinking, diverse and innovative culture in which our entire school community flourishes.
Every policy is written with our Christian Vision and Foundations in mind.