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Nightingale Academy

Minster Church of England Primary School

Nurturing Foundations, Flourishing With God


PE and Sport Premium

What are Sports Premium documents?

We want to keep you informed about the resources available on our website regarding the Sports Premium funding. These documents provide detailed information about how the funding is used to enhance physical education (PE), activity, and sports opportunities for our students.

The Sports Premium is a government initiative aimed at improving the quality of PE and sports in schools. Through these documents, you can:

  • Understand how the funding supports your child’s physical development and well-being.
  • See a breakdown of how the funds are allocated and their impact.
  • Learn about our goals for increasing participation and fostering a lifelong love of sports.

We encourage you to review these documents to stay engaged with our efforts to provide exceptional sports and activity programs for all children.


Please click the buttons below to read the key priorities and end of year review for each year.


PE and Sport Premium 2024-2025



                                                                   PE and Sport Premium 2023-2024






At Minster C of E Primary School, we provide unique learning opportunities to develop pupils’ physical competence and confidence through physical activity. We aim to support the children to use their bodies efficiently and promote the importance of active, fit and healthy lifestyles. Pupils learn to think creatively and to work both individually and collectively to make decisions and solve problems. Physical education experienced in a safe and supportive environment using a variety of teaching and learning styles makes an important contribution to a pupil’s physical and emotional well being.


In addition to curriculum PE, children will have the opportunity to take part in a range of activities including; Minster Mind, Body and Soul, active playtimes, wake and shake, brain gym and speed stacking. Opportunities to take part in sports clubs during lunchtimes and after school will be available throughout the year, e.g. football, rugby, athletics, hockey, golf and dance.


“A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.” National Curriculum.


Minster Primary school aims to teach pupils to become physically educated by giving them opportunities to...

· Explore, acquire and develop physical and cognitive skills and competencies.

· Select and apply their skills, tactics and compositional ideas in a variety of physical contexts.

· Make links between a range of different sports.

· Analyse and evaluate their own and others performance to lead to improvement both in physical and cognitive abilities.

· Develop their understanding of the importance of physical activity and a fit and healthy lifestyle.

· Develop problem solving skills and interpersonal skills, which will have much wider application.

· Develop, recognise and ensure safe practice.

· Develop positive attitudes.

Thanet Passport  

As a member of Thanet Passport the school is able to participate in a number of interschool sporting events during the year.  We are also part of a professional network of sports leaders across the district.  For more information regarding Thanet Passport Please click for their website or their Twitter account which will keep you up-to-date with the events that have been happening across Thanet.

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Trust Information

Willows Academy Trust

The Federation of Minster and Monkton Church of England Primary Schools

Monkton Church of England Primary School