School News
School News 2024-2025
Autumn play times are truly with us and this week it has really felt as if Winter is here! We continue to work hard to ensure all children have amazing playtimes but really need your support - we are still looking for parents to join our OPAL Working Group and would love to have your input and suggestions. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Mrs Manning
Is your child in the green zone?
The 30 day Doodle Maths Challenge started last Friday to see if your child can improve their Doodling.
Rewards they can get:
Top Doodler/Most improved player to have a special cushion they can sit on in class for the next week.
Top class gets 15mins extra Opal play on a Friday
Top Doodlers/Most improved player to have a drink and biscuit/healthy snack with Mr Russell.
Top Doodler/Most improved player to recieve a certificate and be celebrated in Celebration assembly.
School News 2023 - 2024
Olympic Day
Purple Class enjoyed cheering on their chosen country this afternoon! Lots of fun!
Thank you for all of the support you gave for our Sports Day this year! The children were lucky to have that many spectators! It was great to see so many smiles as the children competed for their houses - fantastic from everyone. Well done, Normans, who are our 2024 CHAMPIONS!
After close tests throughout the 'Federation Cup' competitions, Minster came out on top today, winning 3-2. Well done to all of the children that have competed across this academic year and thank you to all of the parents for helping make this possible. It has been brilliant for the children to collaborate. It will be secured in Minster's trophy cabinet for the year now. Can Monkton earn it back in 2025 or will Minster retain the trophy?
Minster, Monkton, St. Nicholas and Birchington took part in an M7V Olympic/Multi-skills event this afternoon. All of the children had a great time. Thank you to all the parents that were able to support! Next up - Sports Day!
Today the "new" Sunshine and Rainbow classes for 2024-2025 came to school. We had great fun playing in the learning garden getting to know each other. We look forward to seeing them all again next week.
Our Key Stage 2 Kung Fu Quarter and Semi-Finalists! Wow, they can recall their Times Tables at speed!
Year 3 and 4 had a great time representing the school at Super Saturday - a fantastic experience!
This term, the children at Lego Club have created some amazing constructions. In the last session, they were set the challenge of making theme parks and theme park rides. You can see from the photos that there were theme parks complete with restaurants, ticket booths and carnival games. Well done to everyone who attended Lego Club this term.
All of the school are enjoying trying new sports this term as part of our Inclusion PE term. Here are Year 6 trying their hand at Goalball.
" The Book That Nobody Read" 50 word story winners.
World Book Day in Year 6
Green Class have had an amazing World Book Day, they looked the part and enjoyed their first ever Key Stage 2 parade! We also had some amazing potato character entries. Watch this space to see if the Year group winner is someone in this class.
Evie has won a regional poster design competition to make people aware of the problem of littering. She also won two litter pickers and bag holders for the school. Her poster is on display in all local McDonald's restaurants. Well done Evie!
Today, every single child in the school was given a free World Book Day book! We really hope that they enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed handing them out.
Thank you so much to Minster Bowls club who run a club for our children after school on a Friday. As you can see from the children's faces they really love going.
Some Year 3 and 4 children took part in a Clip and Climb event in Broadstairs. Their climbing skills were phenomenal but more than anything, they showed incredible team spirit, independence and resilience. Well done Team Minster!
Look at some of our Numbers Day Costumes today!
Another draw in the Minster vs. Monkton Federation Cup: 4-4!
Year 3 and 4 played 8 closely contested Dodgeball matches with some brilliant skills on display.
The next test will be Netball in Term 4.
A Miracle in Town! Introducing our wonderful Nativity cast.
Key Stage 2 Dodgeball Just look at the smiles! A fantastic time was had by all!
On Friday, last week, we welcomed two African Dancers. The children had smiles stretched across their faces - adults too! What a way to lift someone's mood! The blurry pictures of smiles and dancing, do not do it justice!
On Monday afternoon, the Minster and Monkton Federation Cup began! The first test of 5 was the Year 5 and 6 Football match and what a game it was! The game finished 2-2 with great goals scored by both teams. It was a tough match with some battling spirit but both teams showed great compassion, courage and justice - playing in a super sporting manner!
Well done to both teams!
The 2nd Test will be Year 3 and 4 Dodgeball in Term 3.
On Friday, the year 5 ROAR finalists delivered their presentations to our special visitor judges, speaking with confidence and knowledge about their design. The overall winners, with their product ‘Wheelie Ramp,’ will be going up against other schools via Zoom soon! Well done to everyone today- you did us proud!
Today, the whole school took part in the National Literacy's campaign to #take ten. The aim was to encourage us all to take ten minutes to read whatever we want as a way to boost our mental wellbeing. It was amazing to be in the hall and see everyone, adults included, reading and sharing our books, magazines, comics etc together. Well done to the whole of Minster for taking part.
Congratulations to all of the successful applicants for the prized positions at Minster School:
House Captains, Prefects, Librarians and Christian Ambassadors.
Minster Football team narrowly missed out on reaching the next round of the John Curran Cup on Friday. They played superbly as a team and we are really proud of each and every one of them. Thank you again to the parents for the great support!
A brilliant start to the football season for Minster! Well done to all of the children that took part. You made us proud and represented the school excellently. As always, thank you to those that supported the team.
The children have loved playing with water at playtimes! They have used tubes, piping, trays and other containers to play with and it has been a perfect activity for the hot weather! As always, if you have any donations for our playground, please leave these under the shelter outside reception.
They are winners from our school who have their artwork unveiled and on display at the new Thanet Parkway Rail Station.