We have been learning about love all around the world in EYFS. How this might look the same or different compared to our family.
In EYFS in Maths this week we have been looking at weighing this week. We have explored heavier and lighter in lots of fun ways!
NSPCC Numbers Day - EYFS
We have a great day immersing ourselves in everything to do with number today. We've listened to music to do with numbers, Numicon games, dominoes, card and dice games, and much more!
We have been playing with the phonics cars to build and read words.
EYFS have been learning how to use the part whole model to find a total.
EYFS have had a fantastic time this week learning about the Lunar New Year. We have understood how the world is similar and different. We have also learnt about new cultures and their beliefs. A few of the highlights have been tasting yummy Chinese food from the Dragon Inn, Vietnamese Dragon dancing, lantern making, mud Chinese numbers and making bubble snakes.
A huge thank you to the Dragon Inn for their generosity with supplying lots of yummy food for the children to taste. We wish you a very happy Lunar New Year 2025!
In EYFS we have been reading 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea' and the in Discovery time we retold the story and fed our very own tiger. We counted all of the things he ate - he was very hungry and thirsty! We wrote down all of his favourite foods he liked. We also made a small world of the story, painted pictures and created finger puppets.
In EYFS we have been learning about how Christians believe Jesus was a good friend. We talked about being a good friend and how it makes us feel with our friends.
In EYFS, we are always practising our cutting and sticking to build up our strong hand and finger muscles.
We had Boris the reading dog come into EYFS to say hello!
Rainbow Class and Sunshine Class had a fabulous time singing around the Christmas tree in front of their families. We are now truly in the Christmas spirit!
In EYFS we have been learning about colour mixing and have painted fabulous pumpkins to go with our 'Pumkin soup' book.
We have a 'new and improved' bug hotel in our EYFS learning garden. This week we have been learning about hibernation and what animals may want to live in our bug hotel. We have been collecting and filling it up with leaves, moss, twigs and bricks.
Rainbow Class enjoyed starting 'Wear it Red' day with Mr Russell reading a special story.
We have been practising our grapheme writing in EYFS.
EYFS enjoyed exploring autumnal colours and painting with conkers.
In EYFS, we have been learning about how people help us in our community. Last week, we loved having the police visit us in school to tell us how they keep us safe and we even got to go in the police truck with the flashing lights! We then had Jane talk to us about her job as a Lollypop lady and how we can keep safe when crossing the road. I wonder who will be coming into EYFS this week??!
In EYFS, we have been having lots of fun mark making, inside and in our learning garden this week.
In EYFS we became engineers with our junk modelling creations! We learnt how to make a design, cut safely and make secure joins.
Gloop Gloop Gloop!!
In EYFS we explored how gloop can be hard and soft, dribbly and crumbly, messy and fun!! Using a range of tools, children made marks in the gloop and then let the dinosaurs invade!
Lavender Tea!
In EYFS we have been practising our cutting skills by trimming the lavender bushes now that the bees have finished using them, and have made lavender tea for our friends!
'Great on our own, even better together!'
We made a Rainbow Class Mural! We talked about how to be a good friend and how we are 'Great on our own, even better together!'. We explored primary colours and then we mixed them with our friends to see what colours it made.
EYFS have had a wonderful first week of school. We have already been on many adventures, explored our environment and made lots of new friends.
2023 - 2024
EYFS have had a fabulous day at the beach - we created sand art, went rock pooling and learnt how to keep safe at the beach. We all had LOTS of FUN!!!!
EYFS have had great fun learning about Numbers today (we do this every day as numbers are EVERYWHERE but even more so today!!). We have enjoyed making Numicon necklaces, playing Dominoes, creating numbers and bean bag counting to name just a few things!
In EYFS in Maths this week we have been learning how parts of a number can be made up to make a whole number. We have learnt this using the Part Whole Model and can say things like 4 and 3 make 7 and 4 and 2 make 6.
Today EYFS took part in the RSPB Big Bird Watch to see what different types of birds we could see around our school grounds. We recorded our results on Tens Frames and then worked out what were the most and least popular birds were. We have then submitted our results to the RSPB and lots of us would like to do this again at home over the weekend!
In our topic in EYFS we are learning about how we can help and improve our whole world and today we wanted to make bird feeders to help the birds during these cold temperatures.
We threaded cheerios onto pipe cleaners and then chose suitable places to hang them outside.
During 'Discovery Time', EYFS were investigating which objects were longer or shorter and why.
EYFS wanted to be ice investigators therefore yesterday some children set up a tuff tray with water and dinosaurs. All of the children were very excited to see what had happened over night. "The water has turned to ice" "I can see through the ice" " The dinosaurs are stuck" "I know how to free the dinosaurs using tools" "Jack Frost has been too".
EYFS have enjoyed learning about fireworks this week. Here is our Numicon Fireworks City and we have painted Fireworks art using forks.
EYFS had great fun with the Star Man visiting with his Planetarium on Wednesday. They learnt lots about space, stars and planets. Unfortuantely it was very dark to take pictures inside the planetarium!
EYFS enjoyed taking part in our schools Term 1 Sports Day. We all looked super sporty and practised shooting, dribbling, throwing and catching. We had lots of fun!!
As part of our 'Me and my Community' topic we had Margate Fire Station come in and visit EYFS. Children learnt all about the important jobs that they do to keep us safe and we even had a go spraying the hose!
EYFS have had a great first week learning Monster Phonics!
Rainbow and Sunshine have loved their first full week at school. Here are some of the things we have been up to!!